So You Thought You Had it Figured Out, Huh? Accomplishments vs. Success



This is an untold truth that I’ve only recently realized.

You mean these college degrees and steadfast work ethic don’t equal success?! You mean to tell me that I did all of this to end up here? Wait, but what happened? I don’t understand.

Somebody Clearly Lied to Me… 

I have always (and I mean always) been extremely determined to be successful. I didn’t necessarily know what that meant, but I knew I was going have it. So, I worked like crazy and set many goals for myself. I figured out a game plan (which pretty much consisted of: go to school, get good grades, get a degree, work hard, then lead a life of success). Though I hadn’t really witnessed what I would consider to be a success story, I somehow thought I knew the blueprint towards accomplishing it (makes perfect sense, right?).

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